"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, November 16, 2015

Season 9: North Tapps. Episode 1: Starting Up

This is Elder Nelson and I at transfers (with Elder Odell sneaking behind :D)

It was raining all day on Saturday and then it was snowing pretty hard on Sunday morning! This is the first time that I have been with snow since I left Utah last November. It was all melted probably by 1, but it was really cool to see! This view is just right outside our apartment.
Dear Family and Friends,

This week has been a very nice one! I have enjoyed it and I am glad to be with Elder Nelson! I am in the North Tapps ward which is basically around the the city of Sumner, Bonney Lake, Lake Tapps, and a little bit of Auburn. The ward is basically all trees and scattered houses in-between. We have a car which has been really helpful! I am grateful to be in one especially since winter is in the midst of things and it rains more and more. Elder Nelson and I were especially feeling for all the missionaries on bike on Saturday because it was raining literally the whole day! And it wasnt a light rain, it was pouring at some points.

This ward is actually brand new! Its about 3 months old and there wasnt a lot of work done in the ward beforehand, so Elder Nelson and I are basically building up the ward and the work here. We have some great starts though! Martha is 8 years old and we have had a couple of lessons with her. She came to a 8 year olds baptism and it has been in the works of teaching her and her mom. We are just starting to teach her which is great. We are going to start teaching her mom to tomorrow! They both came to church on Sunday for all 3 hours and it seems she really likes it! We are so grateful to have the opportunity to teach them!

I am all out of time for today, but I am doing very well and I am happy! The work is good and I am growing (which means I am out of my comfort zone)!
Love you all!
Elder Sumsion

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