"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, January 4, 2016

Season 10: North Tapps. Episode 3:

Pictures from Mission Leadership Council on the 1st.
This is all of the Zone Leaders and the Assistants to the President minus Renton.
Starting on the left going by (companions are infront of them) Assistants and the Zone Leaders for Graham, Kent, Puyallup South, Auburn, Puyallup (apparently we are the shortest Zone Leaders haha), Federal Way, and Maple Valley.
Dear Family and Friends,
To answer your first question we did not stay up til midnight for New Years Eve, but we did change our stove clock to 11:59pm to make it feel like it a little. We celebrated by eating Ice-cream and drinking our last bottle of black water. It was some simple good stuff.

Its been a really good week though for personal growth! We got dropped by a very promising family on Monday. It was completely out of the blue and made no sense. We tried our best though and we know that Heavenly Father is pleased with our effort. They said we could still teach their son, which may be a future way in.

Congrats to my Brother and new Sister-in-law, Brock and Sydney, for married on the 30th! I was on an exchange in the Puyallup area that day with Elder Beaudette and we had an awesome contact that morning with a man and his fiance. When he said they were getting married, I mentioned that they were but that I was out here being a missionary because I know the sacrifce is worth it. He really connected with that and a return appointment was set for the following Friday. I wasn't present at the lesson, but I found out yesterday night that Elder Beaudette and Elder Tripp had a great lesson and they both committed to baptism on the 6th of February! It was such a happy moment! Also that one less active man who talked to Elder Meyer and I while we were on an exchange is doing well. His daughter who he said he wanted to help her get baptized is getting baptized this Saturday! There are just happy moments all around.

Last night we had a really awesome opportunity to follow up with a potential who had no interest in hearing about the restored gospel, but he was very interested in family history! He let us in to use the restroom and we told him more about the discovery center and he was just so interested! We talked to him about it and Elder Nelson and I could really feel the spirit as we did. It was powerful and he said he is going to sign up for an appointment. I am excited to see his progress because I know that as he continues to do that great work especially in a consecrated church building, he will recognize the Spirit and the truthfulness of the Gospel.

Thanks for all you do! I am excited for this new year of 2016! I love life and being a missionary!

Elder Sumsion

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