"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, January 11, 2016

Season 10: North Tapps. Episode 4:

A selife at the end of our exchange with the Assistants on Tuesday.

Another picture from Mission Leadership Council

Howdy! All is well in with Elder Sumsion in Washington. The work is progressing and we are finding more new investigators! Its also tough because a large amount of investigators and potentials are dropping us, but we are finding more than that are dropping us so that is a good thing.

One of the persons we are working with is named John. He is a former musician who has sang in across the country including Utah and has known about the church for a long while. He is a cancer survivor and said we could come back and teach him after the Holidays when we talked to him in early December. We had an amazing lesson with him that went just so super duper solid. As President Eaton says, it was "church video" (which basically means it was a textbook example of what a Preach My Gospel missionary should be teaching like). He said he would be baptized on February 6th if he knew is were true by then. We are excited!

We got to have a couple of exchanges this week. I was with Elder Mousser one of the assistants on Tuesday the Wednesday in North Tapps and in Clarks Creek with Elder Meyer on Friday to Saturday. I love exchanges! They really are an exciting and unique part of missionary work. They are one of the best teaching and learning experiences and are so good! I love them.

On Friday night Elder Meyer and I were trying to find one of their investigators homes while walking around in the cold night at about 7:30pm. It was pretty foggy too and this is near down-town Puyallup. Elder Meyer was a little lost, which in the end turned out to be a very good and inspired thing. We were walking around and saw someone off in the fog. We said "Hi" and introduced our selves. She said she was walking to the bus stop and said we could walk and talk with her. We were walking and talking for about 15 to 20 minutes and we were able to teach her the restoration. Her name was Erin and this encounter was so meant to happen! She was super prepared and accepted for missionaries to visit her where she lives, which is in Lakewood (in the Tacoma Mission). She accepted a copy of The Book of Mormon as well and was very happy she met us. She said that she usually takes a different way when walking to the bus stop, but decided to take the way she took that nigh. We were in the exact spot we needed to be in to meet Erin and I am excited for her to continue learning about the gospel! The Church is true and Heavenly Father wont let those who are sincerely looking and trying to find the truth from receiving it.

Also do you remember when I went on Blitz with Elder Meyer about 2 months ago and that man who stopped us and told us that he wanted his daughter to get baptized? Well good news, she got baptized on Saturday :D

Love you all! I love my mission!
Elder Sumsion

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