"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, January 25, 2016

Season 10: North Tapps. Episode 5: (_____)

Exchanges with Elder Perkins selfie :D

We had someone trying to visit us yesterday :D This was a dog walking around our apartment complex and it was so friendly.
Howdy Howdy!

Things are going great here around Lake Tapps!

Our pool of investigators is always getting refreshed. We have old ones dropping and leaving us, but we have more coming in! Its wonderful! I am so grateful for the goodness of Heavenly Father. There are so many people prepared and we are so grateful to be used as instruments in find them!

Here are some experiences this week:

While teaching one of our new investigators Victor, we brought by a recent convert with us. It was a really great lesson and Victor had real questions and real intent. The recent convert was even a Stevens Minister at one point just like Victor was. Right now the biggest concern we have for Victor is to make clear that we dont believe in re incarnation haha. Our recent convert basically made it seem like we did, so that will be great to overcome.

We tried to visit another potential named Mike last week, but we were prevented by a scary dog. It was very dark and so I leaned out my window and the dog was following us barking lots. Its eyes reflected green and it was really scary! So we didnt visit him because we didnt want to get bitten by the dog. We came back another day and talked to him and he is very interested! He was wondering when we could come back and was happy to see us. He is a truck driver, so his schedule is very crazy and changes all of the time so scheduling with him will be an adventure.

While on exchanges with Elder Perkins, we were in Fife tracting and knocked on this one mans door. He was African American and asked "Are you Jehova Witness'?" We said no and he invited us right on in. He asked us all of the questions missionaries liked being asked like "What is the difference about your church and other churches?" and "What is The Book of Mormon?" He was SOOO prepared. We met him on Saturday and the Elders had a follow up lesson Yesterday (Monday). He is already at 1 Nephi chapter 8!!! He is so prepared and we are so happy to have left the Surprise Lake Elders with someone super solid.

Yesterday while Elder Nelson and I were tracting, we knock on this womans door to find that she had investigated the chrurch before and she almost got baptized when she was in 3rd grade. She was very willing to meet with us and if her husband is alright with it we will be meeting this Wednesday. Her name is Amy.

The last of many awesome experiences that I will share is that someone who works at the Food Bank we serve at every week accepted an invitation and came to a mission devotional with a member! She is the funniest lady and she gives us so much stuff while at the food bank. Like last week we got this like 4 foot tall teddy bear. We are going to dress him up and call him "Elder Bear." We havent been able to follow up and see how she liked the mission devotional just yet, but it is wonderful that after probably years of missionaries serving at this food bank she is beginning to accept invitations :D

Love you all so much! The work is wonderful. I know that even amidst investigator dropping us that The Lords hand is over those he has chosen (1 Nephi 1:20). Look for the shining rays of light amidst your storms of life and I promise you that your week will go better.

Love you all!
Elder Sumsion

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