"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, March 7, 2016

Season 11: Skyway A. Episode 5: Church Attendance Counts

These are all of my companions who are still in the mission minus Elder Jackson. This was at Mission Leadership Council on Friday. 

Howdy Family and Friends!

This week has been really swell! We had an investigator come to church yesterday! A.J. is his name. It was the first time we actually met him. We had only talked to him on the phone before, so him coming to church was a big act of faith. He really enjoyed it! We gave him a pen and paper for him to write his questions down on from church and he used it. He asked us questions like "Who is Alma?"or "What is the Book of Mormon?" It was super great for him and we are excited for him coming. Its the first investigator we had make it to church for the transfer I have been here. We have a lesson/family home evening tonight where we will invite him to be baptized. April 9th is the goal!

We had a funny experience this week. We were talking to some people at the bus-stop who ended up not being interested, so we started to walk back to our car. While walking back to the car a man on a bike came to the bus stop, but we didn't take much notice. So we hopped in the car and were putting into the GPS where we were wanting to go next and the biker biked passed us and yelled some stuff we couldn't understand. So we started on our way with the biker about half a football field ahead of us. While we were driving closer he pulled of to the side of the road, turned his bike around at us, and just stared. When we passed him we made eye contact and he had the most livid look on his face. He then got back on his bike and started trying to catch up to us while we were driving haha. He was in a hot pursuit for about... 2 seconds :D

As a Zone Leader we have the great opportunity to help missionaries focus on their purpose and to work on certain things. One of the things that Elder John and I are emphasizing is church attendance and it has made a big difference. Now key indicators are not everything and our success isn't measured from them, but they are a great indicator of what is actually happening. On the 14th of February we had 3 investigators in the whole zone come to church. We started focusing on church attendance then, because 3 in the whole zone is not the best. On the 21st we had 8 come to church in the zone. Then on the 28th of February we had 16 investigators come to church! That was so happy! More investigators are progressing as a result. This Sunday the 6th of March we had 17 come to church. Things are really progressing! The record for the Renton Zone last year for investigators attending church was 18, so we are set to reaching that. We have a goal as a zone to reach 20 this Sunday. Good stuff is happening. These aren't goals to boast or make others feel bad, but goals to save souls!

Love you all so much. Have a great week. Try reading The Book of Mormon every day! Apply what you read to yourself and become more like Christ. Don't read it like a non-fiction novel, read it like a cookbook! If you read a cookbook like a Harry Potter book, it wouldn't change you at all. Pray before you read and apply it (1 Nephi 19:23).

Elder Sumsion

"Search the Book of Mormon and the words of the living prophets every day, every day, every day! It’s the key to spiritual survival and avoiding deception. Without it, we are spiritually lost." -Elder Kevin W. Pearson

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