"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, March 14, 2016

Season 11: Skyway A. Episode 6:#Hallelujah

This is a gong thing they had. I thought it was really funny.

Elder John and I went on P-day to the Kubota Gardens in our area last p-day. It was a nice beautiful place to be in. Spring time is great in Washington.

Howdy! All weeks are good weeks and all days are good days should you choose to look at it that way. I love what President Eyring did growing up, is he would before writing in his journal ask the question “Have I seen the hand of God reaching out to touch us or our children or our family today?” I know Heavenly Father touches our lives every day! If you struggle to recognize it, pray for the eyes to see what He does for you. You will see more! Just like as I grew older I noticed more and more of the things my parents did for me, you will notice what your Heavenly father does for you.

Monday: We went to Kubota Gardens in our area. It was beautiful and I am grateful for Gods amazing gifts of nature! The lesson with AJ didn't turn out due to him being called into work.

Tuesday: Elder John and I were able to present Zone Training to our zone. We talked about working with members, less actives, and recent converts to find those who are prepared to be baptized in the Lords way. With the new Easter Initiative going on, we are encouraged to try and visit all of the active members in the ward in short 15 minute visits talking about sharing this video with them. 

My invitation for you would be to go to this website right now for 5 minutes, watch the video and explore it, and then share it to someone via social media with a personalized message saying why you like it. Try it out!FollowHim.mormon.org Its a great website and is focused on Jesus Christ! Check it out.

Wednesday: I was on an exchange with Elder Jones a current district leader in the Zone. We had a really fun experience where we were getting a ride from a member to another appointment, so we left our car parked at an investigators place. After that appointment we had another one to get to and we were late, so we went straight to the next one and afterwards get a ride back from a returning less-active to our car. So we got dropped off and it was just pouring rain and realized we forgot our phone in the members car. We talked to a stranger and he let us use his phone to call the member back to us. it was still super duper rainy and we were getting soaked. We then got our phone back, but we couldnt find that returning less-active member and the appointment we had fell through. It was such a funny situation because we were far away from our car and couldn't find our ride back to it. We walked around and got drenched for a bit looking for him and eventually we found him and got a ride back. It was a memorable exchange and I am grateful for that experience :D I returned with a much stronger appreciation of a car and a greater respect for those missionaries out on bike throughout these downpours this winter (this winter has been the wettest winter on record in Seattle history, so my hat is off to all of those missionaries on bike).

Thursday: We had a great lesson set up with AJ at Elder and Sister Knowles home (a senior missionary couple in the ward), but he wasn't able to make it. AJ's mom is not the most happy camper about him meeting with the missionaries, but AJ is still going strong even with family opposition.

Friday: We met with a lady who struggled with addiction to lots of things like cigarettes, alcohol, etc. During exchanges Elder Murphy and Elder John taught her. She has met with the missionaries before and she said something like "I really like having the missionaries over because I feel great every time, but dont ask me to give up my addictions because they tried it before and I wont do it." When we showed up on Friday, we found out the very soon after us leaving she decided to quit doing those things and has been sober since! It was such an amazing miracle which we were so grateful for. She felt inspired to do it and followed through with that prompting.

Saturday: There was a ward party, a silent auction and live auction, fundraiser for the Young Women to go on campy. It went well and some people came who haven't been to church in a long while! Shannon almost came with her boyfriend and 12 year old son, but she was way to tired due to symptoms of going without these drugs n' stuff. We tried to meet with AJ on Saturday, but he has a way busy work schedule and worked from 7am-9 pm at a adult home. He is working super hard!

Sunday: Daylight savings caused many investigators and folks throughout the whole zone to miss coming to church. AJ made it to the last 2 hours and he loved it! We taught him about the restoration and he felt the Spirit so strongly! He definitely received an answer to his prayer about Joseph Smith, but did quite recognize it. We are going to have a family home evening tonight talking about the Book of Mormon with our ward mission leader. AJ is so solid and excited. 

Love you all! Have a great week!
Elder Sumsion

"Search the Book of Mormon and the words of the living prophets every day, every day, every day! It’s the key to spiritual survival and avoiding deception. Without it, we are spiritually lost." -Elder Kevin W. Pearson

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