"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Season 12: Skyway A. Episode 1: Always Remember Him.

Elder John and I love our Mods pizza :D

Saturday morning watching the sunrise. Starting on the left Elder Mitton, Elder John, Elder Samuelson, Elder Sanders, Elder Cook, and Elder Sumsion.

It is always showering blessings, especially here in Washington :D 

A shower of blessings are around us just like that new Mormon message describes. It is very literal here in terms of blessings from God and literal here in terms of rainfall. Elder John and I really desire to be blessed with someone not only to teach, but someone who is ready to exercise their Faith in Jesus Christ, Repent, Be baptized, Receive the Holy Ghost, and Endure to the end. That was something I was fasting for on Fast Sunday. Near the end of our fasts, we were blessed to meet Gin. He speaks Chinese and at first wasn't interested. We asked him questions about his beliefs, he is Buddhist, and eventually that led to him saying something like "You know I am not interested in learning more about Christianity right now, but in the future I will learn more." We asked him why and that led to him being interested right now. The future for him was a couple minutes later! We shared more about the restoration and he agreed for us to come back as we taught him more on the spot. We are going by on Wednesday. He is very curious and prepared to learn more and is definitely a direct answer to my fast. I am excited to continue to work with him.

Another great blessing happened as Elder John and I were walking/running with Holy Haste during our finding time. We knocked on the door of Laudon and he was a very prepared individual as well! We are going back on Tuesday with a member. He isn't currently going to church due to something a pastor did a little while ago, but he felt the importance of what we were talking about and he is letting us come back.

Happy Easter on Sunday! Happy General Conference this Sunday! Write down questions you have (and if you don't have any, create some you care about) and then pray and look for an answer during General Conference. I have heard it described as a "scheduled answered prayer" and I invite you to try that out!

President Eaton has a permission of watching the Easter sunrise every year. Morning time is about when Mary first ran into Christ and when the Resurrection occurred so it is a special way to remember it. He gave us permission to go and watch the Saturday sunrise (because Sunday was stormy). That was really great. We drove 2 companionship of Elders with us to a place in the Fairwood ward. The hill was right next to Lake Desire and it was a good experience to remember Christ in that special way.

Here are some updates on investigators:

  • AJ hasnt had any progress sadly since I last mentioned him. His work has gotten even busier and is now working on Sunday. Right now we only have had occasional contact maybe once a week sadly. 
  • Shannon and Rob are progressing a little bit at a time. They came to a baptism that happened in the Stake on Friday. That was great and we had our first official sit down lesson with them last night. She has worked with missionaries in the past and understands that she will need to quit the substances she is currently taking. She is wanting to take some more time, but neither of them committed to a date for baptism. We have invited them though and they know that's what we are working for. They are very friendly and the biggest difference that will be made with them is involving members.
  • Dionte and Kamilah haven't had a lot of progression either, so we are considering dropping them this week. We have a lesson this evening and will be helping them see truly what is at stake and why we are coming by. 

Here are some things that have been on my mind recently:

What is the importance of remembering Christ everyday rather than just on Easter or Sunday?
That is a question I have been thinking about. We should always be remember Christ, because without Him the world would be an utterly dark and unforgivable place. This video talks a little about what the world would be like without a Savior.

I love remembering Christ. My pondering has led me to another question of how I can do better at always remembering Him. Its something we promise to do when we are baptized, but how hard do we actually try to accomplish that. We say we will, but is that a goal that you are actually trying to do? I invite you to ponder about what you will do to always remember Him. One of the ways that I am trying is to memorize more Hymns. I am trying a Hymn a week. Last week was "How Great the Wisdom and The Love." This Week is "Come, Ye Children of The Lord." It helps a lot and I love doing it.

Things are great up here in Washington. Heavenly Father is so good and I am grateful for the progression I am experiencing throughout my mission. Christ takes us as the natural being we are and helps us become new creatures as we exercise our faith (see 2 Corinthians 5:17, Mosiah 3:19, and Alma 32).

Elder Sumsion

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