"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, August 29, 2016

Season 15: Skwyay B. Episode 5:The Bell Lap

Selfies this morning at the computer :D

Hello friends and family!

This week has been really swell! I am just super duper happy. The more I have lived and progressed in life, the more I have recognized that happiness is a choice! That is what I choose to do and funny enough I enjoy life more. There is so much to be happy about. The challenge is seeing it and remembering it. One invitation of the Book of Mormon is to "Look!" Another is to "Remember and perish not" (See 1 Nephi 1:20, the beginning of chapter 11, and Mosiah 4:30). Choose happiness!

In short we were blessed to find a great family this week! Tiera is the mom and she has had some health problems and struggles. She is a single mother of many children and is very kind and open to us. We were going to meet with her on Saturday, but due to being sick she was unable too. She is very kind and interested in learning more. We have already had the chance to meet with 2 of her daughters Mequella and Jazzie and they are both committed to working towards baptism on the 8th of October. God has blessed us so much!

One of the reasons I feel happier is because I am setting goals and doing many more things to work much much harder! I am not sure if it is a thing in other missions, but in my mission missionaries when they have 3 months left they get a letter called "the bell lap." Apparently the bell lap is the last lap of a race. When the last lap begins a bell is rung so the other runners know that it has been started (for you gamers its like in Mario Kart when the person starts the last lap and the music picks up the pace). If the runner at the last lap begins it and thinks that he can now coast to the finish or have a nice pre-celebration with all the fans, he is in for a hard truth if he wants to win. The last lap is for the hardest work in sprint of the whole race. The last lap is amazing too because those who have fallen behind in the first couple of laps still have the chance to catch up.

As a missionary in the last lap, its not time to slow down or get distracted about things that happen after the race. Now is the time for me to strive to work harder and harder. I am grateful for the spirit of that letter and how it has inspired me to work harder this week. Though as call as successfully finishing may be, my goal is not to do it to win a prize. I am working harder and harder because I owe it to me Father in Heaven. I love Him and Jesus Christ. They have done so much that I can never repay them for. But if by working my hardest I can show love for them, I will do it. I desire to teach repentance baptize converts these coming months for Them. :D 
Love you all! Thanks for all your support and love. I can feel it and it strengthens me. Choose to have a happy week :D

Elder Sumsion

"Search the Book of Mormon and the words of the living prophets every day, every day, every day! It’s the key to spiritual survival and avoiding deception. Without it, we are spiritually lost." -Elder Kevin W. Pearson

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