"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Season 15: Skyway B. Episode 3: I Love The Gospel!

Elder Cardin and I riding around this morning. Can you tell which one is me? ;)

My Third exchange with Elder Perkins :)

Last P-day I went and swung my first official golf club against my first official golfball being in my first official driving range! I had a great time and it had a great view of Seattle.
Howdy Howdy! One thing that I have just loved doing is listening to General Conference and BYU speeches from Apostles. On speeches.byu.edu they have a plethora of talks given by former prophets and apostles which I have loved listening and learning from. There is so much on there I don't think I could ever listen to all of it! All that I do listen to though I am benefited so much by! It keeps good things going through my head and the Spirit with me.
If you would like some suggestions of good ones that have been discovered feel free to ask. I would love you point you in the direction of some ones that I really love!

We had a pretty awesome experience meeting a former member of the church. He was very kind to us and was telling us how he believes in the Book of Mormon. He said "How could it now be true? No one could have just made that up." His biggest struggle was believing that the church has living prophets today and he agreed for us to come by this evening and also to have a lesson with his wife who is interested! We call them Brother and Sister Shepherd and I am really excited for the lesson this evening! Its going to be awesome.

We have been having some great progress with returning less-actives in the area. We have been teaching them for a little bit and are making such great progress. (Sorry if I am repeating details I have been given before. Its hard to remember if I have shared some things with you already without having to go back and check my last emails, but I don't have tons of time for that). Ivar is a 16 year old who was baptized 8 years ago and has recently started coming since school is out. Last Sunday he received the Aaronic Priesthood and yesterday he passed the Sacrament for the first time! That was a special thing to watch as he passed it around.

Another one is Sister Fabon. She is making great progress after falling away for some years after High School in college. She loves family history and we have been doing a lot with her. Her main goal right now is to obtain her temple recommend again so that she can go to the temple and perform ordinance work by proxy for her deceased ancestors.Its going to be a very special experience and we are excited for her! For the lesson this evening with her, we invited her to teach us! So she is going to teach us about the Word of Wisdom in about 5 minutes. I know for me personally I always learn the most when I am teaching something, so we figure it will be the same with investigators and less actives.

Both of those persons are Filipino along with other members in the ward. I am still picking up more and more here and there. I basically only know simple phrases in Tagalog,but its so fun communicating what I can! I have learned how to say a simple prayer of gratitude, so when we have lessons with Tagalog speakers and they ask me to say a prayer I saw a little prayer in Tagalog. It was nerve racking the first time I did it! It was like I was praying all over again for the first time, but its easier now and is great.

I love you all and hope you have an amazing week! The gospel is true! Christ and the redeeming powers He offers as well are very real and we can and will experience as we exercise faith in Him and His Atonement and make changes in our lives to be more in line with Gods.

Elder Sumsion

"Search the Book of Mormon and the words of the living prophets every day, every day, every day! It’s the key to spiritual survival and avoiding deception. Without it, we are spiritually lost." -Elder Kevin W. Pearson

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