"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, March 9, 2015

Season 2: Clark Lake. Episode 13: More Sunshine is nice‏

I never fully appreciated the sun as much as I do now. I have such a new great appreciation for it. It has been super bright and sunshiny these past weeks. I am grateful that I have an appreciation for the sun and the rain. Great combos when you are living in Washington :D
I don't have lots of time today, so this will be shorter. I would like you to think about what I say today, as it will be less. Kind of like when you have a really nice piece of candy, instead of just swallowing it whole, let it sit and savor it for a little while.
I had a great experience with Bob on Sunday. We went by and visited him because he didn't make it to church. We came to find out that he didn't make it because he was out with his family very very late (6 am) the night before. When we spoke to him he had not much sleep at all and was exhausted.
As we were speaking and chatting about when we could come back by when he was not so tired, I felt prompted to ask him if he had taken or had any coffee to help him stay awake and he said he hadn't.
I asked him if he would normally have some coffee if he was this tired (like he was then) and he said he would usually take it to help him stay awake.
I asked him why he didn't have any. He said he didn't want to have any. He didn't really have the desire to drink coffee. He had that goal of becoming a member of the church and he was set on it.
That was so amazing and inspirational to me that a man who wants to progress in the gospel and to join the church would overcome his natural desires and actually start to change. This man is literally changing into a better person and I was filled with an amazing love for him as he tried to overcome the "natural man" (Mosiah 3:16) inside of him.
I would encourage you all to seek after this change of nature over behavior. If you truly want to, read Ether 12:27 to start you on that process. Prayerfully make goals, and then plans (to achieve your goals).
Elder Sumsion

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