"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, March 16, 2015

Season 2: Clark Lake. Episode 14: Some thoughts on goal setting

I had some of these thoughts and I thought I would like to share it. I am not 100% sure how to cohesively include it into my email, so here it is plugged in.
Recently I have been working on some ways to achieve goals. I have thinking about ways and steps to do it, so with some prayer and inspiration these 5 steps are ways to achieve some of your goals if you are having issues achieving them.
Step 1: Choose a goal or something that you would like to accomplish.
Step 2: Brainstorm ideas about how you can achieve this goal.
Step 3: Plan on what you are actually going to do.
Step 4: Do what you actually planned.
Step 5: Review how you are doing with your plan and make new plans to do better.
Its a continual process where you review and try to do better. I don't know if it will work for you, but feel free to try it out.
I also have this great talk by Richard G. Scott that goes along with goal setting, but I can remember the reference. I will send that out next week.
This week has been pretty swell. Still adjusting to being in a companionship and being without Elder Graham.
Yesterday was a mission devotional. That was super nice. They showed the video "Because He Lives." I didn't get to see it because I was sitting up in the choir stands, but I heard the nice music a long with it. I really do love these media initiatives the church is having.
Recently we went over and taught some members about charity. We shared the story of The Red Coat. We watched that video. That video always touches me so deeply and I teared up as I talked about it. I love it so much and would encourage you to check it out. I hope that it can inspire you to do one charitable thing throughout the week. You don't need to be 18 years old and on a mission or and adult doing service to do good things. You can do it no matter how old or young you are.
I don't have lots more time left to write today, but I would like to share a super powerful video I just watched.
Its called
 Pornography Addiction: Is There Hope?
Love you all,
Elder Sumsion

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