"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, March 23, 2015

Season 2: Clark Lake. Episode 15: Success

Here are some letters arranged in words, sentences, and paragraphs.
First off, here is this talk from Richard G. Scott that had some awesome correlations with the goal stuff I mentioned last time.
"Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge)
On the 20th I went on exchanges. I went and served with Elder Green and Elder Takoa in the Scenic Hill area and Elder Thomas (my District Leader) went are served with Elder Buchanan in Clark Lake.
Elder Green is a very awesome dude. I sung in a quartet with him around Christmas time. He sings and has tons of ties! He has 56 haha. Way more ties than I have and any other missionary I have known so far. He has been out just one transfer less than Elder Buchanan.
Elder Takoa has been out the same amount of time on his mission as I have, but he had to learn English in the MTC. He is from Kidibush (Probably not spelt, but its part of Micronesia). He is so cool. He was going to go on a mission sooner, but he actually ran with Husaine Bolt (spelling?) and so went in the same time as me. He is the fastest runner from his whole country. He is a convert and did I mention he is just so awesome? :D Language study was really fun to do and it was a first for me.
I woke up with it just being another day and I didn't even realize it was the 20th until later on in the morning. It was honestly a really good day. Most of the time was spent driving around trying to visit people when they cancelled appointments.
I have been learning and having some great realizations about missionary work. Its tough when it is not appointment after appointment (which I have been blessed to have pretty often in Clark Lake), because you do get the feeling that you aren't doing your best. BUT, your best is not measured by numbers or what others do, its measured by what you personally do and try to do.
A very very important thing to do is to learn (and remember) what true success is as a missionary (Preach My Gospel Chapter. 1. The section entitled "A Successful Missionary")
I hope that made sense and didn't seem out of place. Simply put, Success is measured by what you do and what honestly try (and would) do.
"Are we not all beggars" by Elder Holland address that last bit if you would like to understand that "what we try (and would).
Another great mark for me in my life is that today (23rd) marks a year for me of holding the Melchizedek priesthood. I am so very grateful to hold this priesthood and to have the opporotunity to use it to serve, an opportunity to act as Christ would. The priesthood gives a great opporotunity for the worthy holders of it, to exercise it on others behalf's. The priesthood is Gods power and is used to blessed others.
Love you all!
Have a good week.
Elder Sumsion

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