"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, March 30, 2015

Season 2: Clark Lake. Episode 16: My Best Week So Far

That's a pretty big title and for those who are familiar with me and my use of absolutes, you would probably expect some pretty big things to back that claim up. Its true, in my eyes, experience, and current perspective that I have, this week has been the best week of my mission so far. I will be listing a couple of big things that happened in my eyes, but keep in mind there are also a lot of little things that I have experienced that made it that way as well.
My First account starts on MONDAY THE 23rd at approximately 9:10 pm local time when received a phone call...
 A phone from the AP's, otherwise known as the Assistants to the President. 
(Did you enjoy my dramatic first introduction?) 
They asked if they were good to go on blitz with us on the 24th for approximately two hours and it worked with us so it was set. For those of you who don't know, blitz is when missionary leaders come and work with the missionaries in their area. One missionary goes with one of the leaders and the other missionary goes with the other. If that didn't make sense, hopefully it will make more sense as I tell you what happened. Just know that going on blitz with the assistants isn't very common if you aren't in a leadership position as a missionary.
So at 3:00 pm... local time... we met Elder Erekson and Elder Matthews at our church. I went with Elder Erekson and Elder Buchanan went with Elder Matthews.
I asked Elder Erekson a lot of questions and he gave a lot of good answers. And they weren't annoying questions. Elder Erekson described them as discovery questions where I wasn't looking for a particular answer, but I was honestly wondering what he thought.
We helped a new member of the ward move in and then we visited a member and then we taught a lesson to some former's that were last taught almost a year ago. That is what we did.
Its so hard to describe everything that I loved about that experience. He provided such a great example of how to contact people on the street, teaching people and not lessons, and of charity for others.
It was such a great experience and I felt so wonderful and great after it.
Another great experience was the companionship inventory Elder Buchanan and I had. Companionship inventory is a time where you talk to your companion about how your relationship is doing, conflicts that are happening, things to strengthen each other, and various other things (read about it in Preach My Gospel chapter 8, step 13 in weekly planning). Real issues were brought up and we actually talked about things. A lot of things you could say that were just swept under a rug when we found it were brought out into the light and dealt with. After the inventory we were able to work together in much better unity throughout the whole day and in the days following.
The last experience I will share was on Friday. We had our interviews with our mission president. My interview was so wonderful. It was (here comes the similes :D)
 like having a glass of water after fasting. Like some nice shade after walking around in the hot sun for a long while. Like discovering the answer to a math problem you had been stumped with for hours. Like receiving reinforcements and supplies after a long and weary battle living off of reserve food and few soldiers. Like going to the temple and walking away feeling recharged and ready to take on the world again.
The interview gave me so much strength and I felt ready take any discouragement or bad things that faced me. We talked about a lot of things that reinforced truths that I knew and shed light on answers I was looking for.
I have some more time so here is one more experience (though there still is more :D).
On Monday night before we received that call, we were visiting a less active and investigator. They are teenagers so teaching them is a little bit different than others we usually teach. At one point during the lesson one of the older persons who lived there came in and yelled for a little bit and drove the spirit away. After he left the spirit was gone, but I knew of the things that bring it back. Elder Buchanan and I sang "I am a Child of God" and the spirit was brought back. And because it was brought back, we were able to teach by it. As I spoke the what the spirit was whispering for me to say I spoke "as one with power and authority." It was a very powerful experience for me and I had a realization that that lesson was one of the reasons why I am serving in the Clark Lake Ward in Kent.
I had an amazing experience with a talk this morning. I loved it and I received some great revelation from it. I would encourage you to read it. It is by Elder Holland. It is called "For Times of Trouble."
Love you all so much. I love serving on a mission. It is the best thing I have ever done.
Elder Sumsion

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